Lifestyle Journal

Lifestyle Journal

Welcome to 1 People Lifestyle Journal. This first article marks our journey in the pursuit of living a sustainable lifestyle. We know that you are very conscious about the way you live your life and the choices you make around it. Yet, owning this high level of awareness, doesn’t come easy. Our surroundings are still living in a reality where our needs for more products, recognition and even greed, become the primary drive that dictates our choices. Shall people realise that detaching from the material world and invest our attention to care about people and the planet, is a much better way to feel content with ourselves, living in harmony will be a lot easier.  

For this reason, 1 People is here to offer a friendly guidance that, we hope, will help you live up to your sustainable standards. Using our resources and passion, this journal is a platform for you to come and get useful tips about matters around sustainability. You’ll find articles discussing tricks on how to integrate your work with your life, updated information about ethical fashion including pointers on where to find sustainable clothes that fit you well. 

We will also provide you with inspiring list of eco-trip wonderlands across the globe. There is no need to worry about finding the best place to stay or where to dine. As we will cover the information for your next travel destinations.

Wellness? For sure. We care about your well-being and we will share what we learn about personal-development, mindfulness, health and spirituality. 

As the week goes by, you’ll find yourself becoming sustainably savvy. All you need to do is to stay-tuned on our website. Fresh informative content will be posted at any time. 

Welcome aboard and let’s embark on this journey of sustainable lifestyle together.

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