Five Ways to Keep Your Body Satiated with Energy During this Summer

Five Ways to Keep Your Body Satiated with Energy During this Summer

Summer is the seasons’ crème de la crème. All good things happen during this time, namely sun, clear sky, warmer seawater, long holiday, ice cream, bright smile, and the 4th of July! Just like all the good things that happen during this sunny season, summer is the moment when we bloom and are ready to shine. We have spent enough time in lockdown to revisit our WHY clarifying our life purpose. As the spring is about to leave, so does the soul searching period. Soon as summer arrives, we should be ready to shake the dust of doubts and uncertainty off our mind and body and embrace the rest of the year with a clear mind, positivity and healthy body. To keep you satiated with energy during this period of high spirit and optimism, below are five pointers you can try at home. 

Digital Detox

The fear of missing out on everything cool on the internet might give us the benefit of staying up to date. We like to stay connected and be able to jump in a conversation about a particular topic that happens to be viral on social media. However, this benefit doesn’t come for free. It entails externalities that may cause anxiety and depression. These externalities could even develop into a serious mental illness as we spent half of our winter and the whole spring in lockdown in our huts due to the COVID-19. We were so drunk in the digital world till it is pivotal to strut out the quarantine sane and sober. And that means we need to detox ourselves from the internet and minimise our time with all types of gadget that can get us reconnected with the digital realm. Be more mindful about the physical realms by spending some time to meditate and to simply listen to the sounds of the universe. This way, we can regain our calmness, clarity and full of positive energy. 

Water Cleansing

The myriad benefits of lemon water are too good to resist particularly during summer when the sun shines brightly and your body is in need of antioxidants and important nutrients such as calcium, potassium and magnesium. Having lemon water first thing in the morning will give you all the beneficial properties mentioned above. It helps in maintaining the pH balance of your body and detoxifying the body from toxic chemicals. Lemon water is also proven to keep your digestive system healthy and strong, thus protecting you from any gut-related illness, which to some extent is connected to COVID-19. Healthy gut, healthy body. 

Morning Dynamic Session

Morning exercise is a great way to start the day. When we work out, oxygen and nutrients travel better to our lungs and hearts, which improves our cardiovascular system, endurance and stamina. Besides, exercising in the morning gives us a sense of accomplishment and an optimistic look that we need to get through the day. A good exercise in the morning can range from running, lunges, squats and yoga. In the summer, working out in the morning will also feel more comfortable as the sun is not yet ready to beam. 

Nutrition Boost

Nourishment is one of the most important aspects to include in keeping you fresh and crispy during summer. Nutrition boost doesn’t only mean consuming immune-boosting food, such as citrus fruits, berries and green leafy vegetables, but also avoiding harmful habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, sugar and excessive caffeine. These habits can mess up your hormones, your weight and eventually deplete your energy.

Shower in Sunray

As we keep our mind, gut and cardiovascular system in a good state by practising the four pieces of advice. The last important advice to consider is to satiate our bones with vitamin D by showering ourselves with sunray. Of course, this suggestion should be followed with a precaution to use sunscreen and sunglasses. That said, try to spend some time outdoors every day or whenever you have time. Visit a park, riverside or public space where the sunray travels freely. Take some yoghurt drinks or fruits to accompany your day out. Stay vigilant with masks and disinfectants, however, as COVID-19 is still around us. 

Make the most of your summer by keeping your body in surplus with energy!


Much Love, 

The 1 People’s Team

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