Top Tips for Working from Home so You Can Remain Positive and Productive

Top Tips for Working from Home so You Can Remain Positive and Productive

Discover our top tips for working from home so you can remain positive and productive. Whilst we’re all adapting to the new normal, it can be tricky to know how to restructure your routine, especially if you’re adapting to working from home.

Here are our top tips to help you thrive within your new environment:

Wake Up Before 7:00am 

Working from home can mean that morning commutes have disappeared, which means many of us are waking up later than before. However, if you get up at the same time but take the time to get ready for the day, you’ll reap the benefits. Keeping your morning wakeup call will allow you to awake slowly and properly before jumping straight onto your laptop in the morning. Taking ‘me-time’ before you throw yourself into work is always a good idea.


Meditation has endless benefits. Taking 10 minutes in the morning to tune into yourself and out of the World will not only help you reduce stress, it will help you think more clearly throughout the day and help when making those all-important decisions at work. If you’re new to meditation, why not try using the Calm app, Insight Timer or Headspace - three great apps to help you along the way.

Positive Affirmations

Sometimes it can be difficult to change how you feel if you’re not in the best of moods and not around other people to lift you up. Positive affirmations can assist on making you feel differently about yourself by changing the internal dialogue. You may feel a little bit silly initially but for 5 minutes of your day, look at yourself in the mirror and repeat 3 affirmations of your choice repeatedly whilst feeling into them. If you can’t think of any, try googling for inspiration or try out three of our favourites: “I am strong”, “I am powerful”, “I am loved”.

Get Outside

If you are used to getting dressed and leaving the house, yet all of a sudden you don’t have to leave the house for work, food or socialising – you’re going to be spending a lot of time indoors, potentially resulting in cabin fever! Try and get outside for at least 30 minutes a day – this will help you feel more relaxed, connected to nature, and get those endorphins flowing!


Although this may have seemed obvious pre-COVID, we know it’s all too tempting to stay in PJ’s all day. Jump in the shower in the morning and wash the night away – you’ll feel refreshed, more alert and smell all delicious and ready to take on the day.

Get Dressed

We know we kind of touched on this before but we can’t emphasise this enough! Getting up and dressed will almost certainly change your mindset and make you feel as though you still have some normality in your life.

Set Up a Working Area

We know this can be tricky but if you do have the opportunity to work somewhere other than your bedroom, then it will do wonders for your mental health. It will also allow you to keep your bedroom as your sanctuary – not your workspace!

Take Scheduled Breaks

Agree set times with your teammates to take a break – and stick to it! Getting away from your laptop for schedule breaks throughout the day will drastically help with your productivity, concentration levels, mental health and overall wellbeing.

We hope your experience of working at home has been a positive one for you and that these tips will help with any areas you may be struggling with!

Much Love, 

The 1 People's Team


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